Social Media
Club Barter Social Media Marketing
Driving the fast and huge success of Club Barter is our
Social Media connections.
Other old school Barter Trade exchanges have not moved
quickly enough to understand the value and power of Social Media.
With the assistance of Social Media Professionals, Social
Media Influencers and Celebrities we have quickly rocketed to the top of most
Social Media platforms.
This assists our many Business Members to benefit from the
huge amount of Traffic our Social Media and website links provides. The results are that
members have noticed posts by Club Barter have quickly assisted Google
Search Engine ranking and assisted Business Members gain new followers on their own Social
Media platforms.
It is not difficult to see the huge benefits Club Barter Business membership has for your business. Unlike other systems Club Barter is a fully open and unrestricted system allowing and Open and Friendly platform and systems for clients to meet and trade together.
Website: https://www.clubbarter.com/
News & Information: https://news.clubbarter.com
Member Directory: https://directory.clubbarter.com
Online Market: https://auction.clubbarter.com
Facebook Pages:
Australia: https://www.facebook.com/joinclubbarter/
Thailand - https://www.facebook.com/Clubbarterthailand
United Kingdom - https://www.facebook.com/clubbarteruk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ClubBarter
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clubbarter/
Don’t forget to download our Mobile App:-
Android App: https://goo.gl/63KwgJ
iPhone App: https://goo.gl/kVnCbs
09/23/2024 181
02/11/2021 1287
10/09/2020 1019
10/06/2020 1017
04/20/2020 1144
06/24/2018 1456
05/28/2018 1467
05/28/2018 1340
08/30/2017 2289
10/11/2017 2055
03/11/2018 2038
08/28/2017 1929
05/24/2017 1921
05/24/2017 1829
05/07/2018 1786
05/07/2018 1773



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